Monday 25 June 2012


Serendipity according to the Macquarie dictionary is, the faculty of making desirable, unsought discoveries. A dear friend thinks, serendipity should be my nickname as it seems to follow me. 

Spontaneous, unexplainable events and connections happen to me/us all the time. Maybe it describes the realm of mysterious connections that exist between us as human beings. We are all spiritual, emotional, social beings as much as we are physical. Maybe some of us have eyes to see or imagine it more just as others see a world of facts, stats and hard evidence. Both are equally good and keep us balanced.  

I love exploring the connections between us, the different types of relationships and friendships we form over the course of our lives. Pause for a moment and consider the individuals who make up the tapestry of your life.................

Family, close & extended, old school friends, university & work colleagues, sporting companions, mother's groups, church groups, mentors, acquaintances, even the lady at the bakery you see each week when buying bread, each one being a unique, coloured thread woven into the fabric of your soul and life.

Have you ever had the experience of thinking about someone you haven't seen for a while, then a day later bump into them at the shopping centre? Is this as the French coin it, deja vu? Or is it a part of our souls yearning for connection, seeking out others consciously and subconsciously? As a Christian I see this as a part of prayer,  as the mystics call it, holding prayer. Where simply the thoughts of someone, if held up before God, are as prayers for them.

Recently had this wonderful experience thinking about a young lad, mate of EQ. We were driving to work and saw a young man that looked like my son's mate. It wasn't him but asked EQ about him, if he'd been in touch with him lately, "no", came the reply. This lad had dropped out of school, got a job and was living with his older sister after losing his mum. Was thinking of this young man, holding him with prayerful thoughts. A few hours later pick my son up from work with the remarkable comments from him, "guess who came into work tonight?" You guessed it.

John O'Donohue puts it beautifully saying that our relationship with the invisible influences so much of our lives. We can become both artists and pilgrims in this realm. I like to believe that our spirits connect with a greater being than just ourselves, this gives me and my family great comfort, hope and meaning. Also knowing  that everything happens for a reason and a season, surrendering to this is better than resisting it. Perhaps this is serendipity when we see it for what it really is.


  1. I agree, Kerri-Anne!

    Last month, I went to Monterey (California) for the day. After kayaking, I went to the Farmer's Market hoping to see people I know, as I used to live there about 10 years ago. I was sitting on the curb eating a sandwich, thinking to myself, "If I bump into anyone I know today, I wish it would be my old friend/colleague, Elza. JUST after I had that thought, an old friend of mine who I used to ride motorcycles with stood in front of me. I jumped up and gave him a hug. He said that he just came to the Farmer's Market to buy something and was about to leave when God told him to keep walking. Well, long story short, I came to find out that he's now married to my friend, Elza!!! He called her and we talked on the phone and exchanged emails. One of the first things Elza said was that she gave her life to Jesus! I had been talking to Elza about the Lord for the 10+ years that we worked together, and continued praying for her after we lost touch. I was overjoyed when Elze told me that her husband, my friend, lead her to Jesus!

    That was such a cool and divine experience! I couldn't stop thinking about it and talking about it for days!

  2. Wow Lavette, that's a wonderful story, thanks for sharing it. How amazing - is it the law of attraction too?

  3. I believe that the Lord Himself orchestrated it, to bless us and put us back in touch, for reasons that we may not know until we're with Him in glory (it could simply be that He just wanted to bless us). There's definitely a connection, through my thoughts/prayers, which I believe are placed on my heart by the Holy Spirit (He is the ultimate Connector). I do believe that Jesus has a purpose for everything and that He's the one Who weaves our lives here and there together for His great purpose. :)

  4. Totally agree, Lavette, thanks for posting!
