Thursday 28 June 2012

You've got this!

EQness strikes again. How I love this boy! Sometimes his take on the world and perspective truly astounds me. Truly, truly. Last night in the pressure of finalising an academic essay, his quirky 16year old comments kept me going. His goodnight words to me being, "Mum you've got this!" - inferring don't give up, keep going. 

Earlier in the evening he had likened the pain of writing to the lactic acid burn in sport. Fresh in his mind from survival camp and PE physiology lessons. I loved his analogy and how he could apply it to another situation. "Push through the pain", he encouraged! 

He had what he called, a 'Kerri Dooley' moment of serendipity yesterday too when thinking about his mate, the same one I blogged about! This mate called him to invite him over to check out his newly built skateboard ramp! He even arranged for his own way home after being at his house so as not to disturb me. Ohhhh when they demonstrate selflessness my heart doth melt! Maybe we are in sync!

My children are amazing. I know that I sing their praises in every post and on face value they are ordinary kids who live an ordinary life, they still rage, get moody, complain and say things I would prefer they didn't, they are far from perfect, but in my mind they are absolutely amazing. They have spent these rainy day holidays for the most part amusing themselves with, Thoughtful Princess a leader on camp, EQ at work, Deep Waters & Sunshine reading, iPoding and watching movies. Thankfully it hasn't been wonderful weather or else it would make it even more difficult to focus on study and not want to go out and do normal holiday stuff together.

"Moral of the story, Mum, - don't leave your assignments to the last minute"! How many times have I said this to my own children, so now to have my own flesh and blood say this to me was almost an insult. But he is right!

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