Monday 29 October 2012

Days have feelings

Monday of last week was a pupil free day. Driving along to wherever my beautiful four start chattering about how the day felt like a Saturday because they didn't have to go to school. We all agreed how odd it is that days actually have feelings! 

We laughed & talked about holiday feelings, Sunday feelings & how most people share the same feelings about particular days, i.e. when it's a pupil free day it feels like a weekend day. It certainly is a widespread phenomena that we attach feelings to certain daysWell at least we attribute a feeling to a day due to various reasons; anticipation of something, relaxed routine or simply a change from the norm.

Fridays usually have a wonderful feeling because it heralds the weekend. Mondays can have an 'itis' feeling with a bit of brain fog due to weekend activities. Then public holidays have another kind of feeling again throwing the rest of the week into a fast forward spin or dragged out feeling.

We often say it's been a fast week, slow week. What is that? Time technically doesn't change but we attribute these human elements & feelings to it, to days, to years that make out as if it really can speed up or slow down. I find this fascinating!

Perception is what gives us those feelings. Perception is very individual but it can also be shared. So often when everyone agrees that a day feels a certain way, it's a shared perception. Like a pupil free day makes a Monday feel like a Saturday.

According to Wikipedia - "Perception (from the Latin perceptio, percipio) is the organization, identification and interpretation of sensory information in order to represent and understand the environment."

Therefore we perceive that days feel different depending on the sensory information we process on the day. Just like a public holiday in the middle of the week can make it feel like a weekend day.

Interesting that's all. Nothing deep & meaning to it. Silly blog really, just a random car conversation that triggered, why, as the world over we all think, days have feelings.

Cherishing time itself
Cherishing pupil free days
Cherishing weekends together

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