Friday 24 February 2012

EQness at it again

Remembering back to a time when I was applying for a new job. It was a job I really, really wanted, but felt totally under qualified for – the story starts at the morning breakfast table.

As a family we have over the years developed a habit of family devotions – it has not been done with a legalistic attitude in that we MUST do it every morning together, but when we can, we do. As in every household some mornings at our place are madness. Socks are flying, kids yelling, ‘where’s my whatever’, lunches are made on the fly we are running late & all we have time for is a quick kiss & hug goodbye. But if we are all awake & organised at the same time, we do like family devo’s (devotions). It is my feeble attempt at intentionally teaching my children to focus on God at the start of each day & open their eyes to the needs of the world around them.

We have created a corny but rememberable weekly schedule that if you were to ask any of my children they could recite without blinking.

Missionary Monday – we pray for missionaries we know  (think of others more than yourself)
Free for All Tuesday – kids chose who and what they want to pray for  (generating free thinkers)
World Wide Wednesdays – we pray for countries around the world (i.e. Japan when tsunami hit etc) global issues (in attempt to foster world view, that our world is not just Australia)
Thankful Thursdays – prayers of only thanks no requests (developing the art of gratitude)
 Family Fridays – prayers for our family far & wide (loving family top priority)

So back to the story this one day at morning devos’, Josiah (aged about 12yrs at the time) asked if I was ok. He said I looked particularly stressed and asked what was the matter? I shared that I had an interview that day & was very nervous!!! In his usual nonchalant and natural way he said, “ Mum don’t worry, just be yourself, they’ll love ya”! We prayed and entered our day.

I had the interview, it did go well, but I certainly didn’t have all the experience that they were really looking for, so resolved that I wouldn’t get it. A couple of days later, the mobile rings and the key lady who had interviewed was at the end of the line. She was ringing to offer me the job!!!!!

Her feedback was that there were others who interviewed well and had much more experience and expertise in some areas they needed, however, “it was your engaging personality that won us over, we know that you would relate to the people in this role and project with compassion and sensitivity and that’s what we need more than marketing or accounting skills’!

Mr EQ had been right again! As a mother we tuck these times in our heart, treasure them and cherish our children even more for their  insight and ‘knowingness’ they bring to family life!