Sunday 5 February 2012

Princess Pea Perception

The Princess and the Pea – how perceptive can children be? 

My 2 girls and I went to see this movie together when it first came out– this is a while ago now. Everyone in my family knows that I am a total sook in movies. I cry at pretty much anything sad, emotive or even happy! So in this movie the chirpy little firefly dies, (sorry to spoil it for those who haven’t seen it) the sad music plays, I cry, nothing unusual.  Both my girls looked at me and said, “Get a grip Mum, it’s a cartoon for goodness sake, it’s not real!!!”

A couple of  years later after a particularly sad day at work, caring for palliative patients and sharing about the day with my children, Miss perceptive 10yr old asks, “ Mum how can you do what you do, look after people who are dying and cry when a firefly dies in a cartoon?” – Wow, fancy putting those two things together seemingly out of the blue like that! 

It does perplex even me that I can work with people who are dying and their grieving families and not get overwhelmed with emotion, and yet cry at even cartoon deaths! I think somehow in the moments I am with people who are dying, my role is as a nurse, a carer, I am totally present for them, it is not that their situation does not touch me, death always touches me, it’s a sacred place to be and to work. However in movies there is no role, no duty of care, no responsibility, I am free to be me.

We watched, Red Dog together as a family last night & at a few points in the movie, all us girls had watery eyes! So it's not just me now that cries in movies! Hopefully tears are a sign of tender, caring hearts!   

How perceptive can children be! Never underestimate the conclusions they draw from watching you!

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