Tuesday 8 January 2013

it's the little things

photo by Nattu @ Holley Gerth

I came home last night to an empty house (& Muffin ). After 2 weeks of holidays with my beautiful four, they have now gone to their Dad's. I hate the first night without them and am not embarrassed to say so. I never get used to it. As it is with grief, we never totally get over things, we just integrate the loss into our lives.

A beautiful clean kitchen greeted me. I burst into tears. This is not the first time. Thoughtful Princess often cleans up. Most times I ask that the kitchen be tidy when I get home from work, but when they do it without being asked, it is so much more appreciated. Self initiation and motivation in our children has got to be one of the most heart warming of all.

Often I will clean their rooms as my way of being with them even when they're not here. I went into Sunshine's room - totally tidy! Again shed a tear. Her newly made tissue pom poms hanging so delicately, her bed nicely made, her books neatly stacked, her shoes all in a row, her desk neat as a pin.

Thoughtful Princess who had avoided cleaning her room all holidays, the same. Bed perfectly made, I could actually see the floor of her room, clothes that had erupted everywhere over the holidays were now where they should be, in her cupboard. Another little tear and sigh.

It's the little things that mean so much! 

I sent a text to thank them & say how much I appreciated their thoughtfulness.

The reply;

" You are most welcome, we're glad those little things helped".

Cherishing the little things that make life so sweet

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